Silverton Mountain. Nuff Said

Literally translated from its Mayan origins, “Silverton Mountain” means “Oh Fuck Yes” in modern language. It is a backcountry only, experts only, epic views and epicer lines only, ski resort. Okay, resort might be a bit of a stretch. More like “Mountain with a single lift, a school bus, and a couple of porta potties”. This was Pierce’s last 2manventure while living in CO, so we thought we’d make it count and spend a weekend catching the best skiing CO has to offer.

The most grueling and rewarding part of the experience has to be the hike from the lift up to the 13,500 foot billboard peak. I think some sections there are scarier than half the stuff you might find while skiing down. But the huge run from there, the epic views, and the general feeling of bad assery is totally worth the sweat.

Of course, the way down is pretty awesome too. The snow was killer, lines long (not lift lines!), and the day was perfect. The biggest problem was that I kept blocking half of my shots with my mitten. So that sucked.

Funniest of all, I happened to find my ski/adventure buddy from high school in the parking lot, after a 6 year hiatus after we both went to different regions for school. Crazy small world! He was rocking a sick onsie and it was cool to have him join our group for a day.

Not a bad weekend! Screw what people say. Silverton is totally up to the hype. Its just got a great vibe, and awesome skiing everywhere you look. Definitely need to make a yearly routine out of it. Enjoy a bunch of pics below!

3 thoughts on “Silverton Mountain. Nuff Said

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